I've submitted paperwork to withdraw my name as a member of the UIC United Faculty Union. I believe the pending strike is unjustified, and I cannot in good conscience support the union while it entertains a strike that in my opinion is unjustified. Once the negotiations and any strike are resolved, I'll consider rejoining the union. In the meantime, I pledge to donate to the UIC Food Pantry the amount of money that would otherwise have gone toward the union dues.
I may, in a later post, explain why I believe the strike is unjustified. For now, I'll say only what the union is asking for falls at least in the pale of what is reasonable to ask for, even if I believe on some points the union is mistaken. I'll also say that the university administration is probably primarily responsible for the difficulty in solemnizing a new contract. Nevertheless, I believe the concerns over which the union might strike do not meet the high bar that is necessary for public servants such as the UIC faculty to justify a strike.
I hasten to add I mean no ill-will toward my union-supporting colleagues. I believe they are mistaken, but I'm confident that they are sincere in their belief that they are acting in the interests of themselves, their fellow faculty members, the students, the public, and the university.
Withdrawing from the union doesn't necessarily mean I would cross a picket line if there is a strike. I might and might not. It is one thing to withdraw one's membership in the union. It is another, more difficult thing to cross a picket line. That's true generally. That's especially true when it is one's friends and colleagues who are picketing.